Arnold Foote, President, Advertising Agencies Association of Jamaica

Our clients and the general public can expect continuity of high quality creative work in the presentation of the advertised message due to continued keen interest being placed in developing and maintaining codes of ethics, professional practices and standards in advertising.

Ever since its inception 40 years ago, the AAAJ in its Memorandum of association, has had the following as part of its objectives:

  • To strengthen, improve, promote and protect the advertising business.
  • To advance the cause of advertising.
  • To establish a set of standards f practice

 Ten years ago, it was necessary to give recognition to heads of agencies that have contributed to advertising in Jamaica. On the occasion of our 40th Anniversary we again pay tribute to the original members of association:

  • Mr. Dudley MacMillan, MacMillan Advertising
  • Mr. Edgar Stewart, Art and publicity Ltd
  • Louis A. Davidson, CPV international
  • Leonard G. Grindley, Grimax Advertising
  • Jayne P. Campbell, LNCK Ltd
  • Gilbert Aarons, Gilbert Aarons Advertising
  • A.S Dougall, Creative Advertising
  • Steven Danos, Advertising Associates Ltd
  • Gerry Dunlop, Gerry Dunlop and associates
  • Alec Foster, Alec Foster and associates
  • D.E.G Williams, Commercial Art and Advertising

 At our awards ceremony in 1992, special tribute was again paid to Mr. Edgar Stewart, Mr. Dudley MacMillan and other members, who established the advertising agencies association of Jamaica, and through their excellence have earned advertising the right to be called a profession.

I firmly believe that if we in the profession continue to do our Jobs well, the importance of advertising function will remain unchallenged.

The way Forward, therefore, is directed by the challenge to all within the profession to work towards achieving greater excellence in the offer of service and product to our clients and the public. To this end, the association has, and will continue to work for new ways to improve the manpower and institutional requirements of the industry.

This direction is necessary in order to prepare the advertising practitioners and the advertising industry to take their rightful place within the current macro economic environment. This is an environment, which places much emphasis on creative and strategic advertising as a key marketing tool, which is necessary for the survival and stability of businesses within a free market economy.

As a necessary adjunct to our functions, therefore, we will have to be more active now in persuading the Jamaican business person that reduced advertising will have a negative effect on sales. This is especially so during times of recession.

Advertising will continue to be successful because advertising works.

After 40 years, the AAAJ can be proud of its achievements, and we record herein the achievements that the AAAJ made under the leadership of its President Arnold Foote:

1969 – The AAAJ created the media of the year awards.

1969 – The AAAJ certificate of merit was used for the first time.

1970 – The AAAJ spearheaded the formation of the Caribbean Council of Advertising Agencies.

1970 – The AAAJ President was elected the first president of the Caribbean council of advertising agencies associations.

1971 – The AAAJ developed the Caribbean code of advertising standards. The Caribbean Council of advertising Agencies Association adopted this code.

1971 – The AAAJ established a working committee to monitor advertising in Jamaica using the Jamaican code of advertising standards.

1971 – The AAAJ hosted the first Caribbean Council of advertising agencies Association Conference at the Jamaica Pegasus hotel, and it was a tremendous success.

1971 – the Caribbean Council of Advertising Agencies Association Conference was opened by the Prime Minister; The Rt. Hon. Hugh Shearer outlined six points on advertising, which were unanimously adopted by all members present.

1971 – The AAAJ called for a programme to develop a diploma and degree course in the communication Arts at the University of the West Indies.

A working committee was established by the Most Honourable Arnold Foote to work out the Qualifications and syllabuses were ready and approved and culminated in the establishment of the Caribbean Institute of Mass Communications (CARIMAC) at the University of the West Indies.

1971 – The AAAJ created the Advertising Standards Authorities of Jamaica.

Its function is to Monitor the activities of members of the AAAJ, using the Jamaican code of advertising standards, to ensure that proper standards maintained for the protection of the consumer public.

1971 – The AAAJ, in November that year, spearheaded the launch of the “Build CARIFTA”, Campaign to promote goods and services within the Caribbean.

1972 – The Advertising Standards Authority was launched by The Most Hon. P.J Patterson, who was the Minister of Commerce Industry and Tourism. The first chairman elected was the Hon. Glen Owen, now deceased, who did an excellent Job. The current Chairman is The Most Honourable Sir Kenneth Hall.

Mr. Patterson in is Address said: “it is gratifying to see that a body has been created to police advertisements and, where necessary, to ask the client or advertising agency to withdraw or modify any advertisement which is questionable”.

The Most Honourable P.J Patterson also had praise for the AAAJ for having seen the need for such an authority and to pioneer its creation.

Both Mr. Patterson and Mr. Owen commended the AAAJ on the preparation of the code, which covers most of the matters affecting the public with respect to advertising – truth, honesty and morality in particular.

1974 – The AAAJ was commended by Tom Sherman, Managing Director of the gleaner and chairman of the Media Association of Jamaica at the Caribbean advertising agencies Association conference held at the Terra Nova Hotel. He said: “Your High Standard of efficiency has helped us all to have better newspapers in the Caribbean to increase our revenues and make our businesses more viable. The news media as a whole, owes a great debt to all of you who have gone out into the field and started your agencies”.

1975 – The President of AAAJ who was the founder and first president of the Caribbean council of advertising agencies Association was honoured by the Caribbean council of advertising Agencies Association and made a fellow of that organization.

Presented to Arnold Foote, Jr. Former President and founder of the Caribbean Association of Advertising Agencies 20th November 1975.

Whereas it is recognised by members of the Caribbean association that Mr. Arnold Foote, our charter president was the prime mover in the formation of the CAAA and that his vision and foresight, his great personal contribution of his time and his ability have brought this association to the position of recognition it holds in the commonwealth Caribbean as the voice of body corporate representing advertising agencies of the area with resultant uplifting of the standards, ethics and practices of advertisers and their agencies:

We resolve what we record the deep and profound appreciation and thanks of this association and its entire membership and we elect Mr Arnold Foote a fellow of this association.

1991 – The AAAJ developed the Jamaican code of sales promotion practice.

The Advertisers Association of Jamaica and the Media Association of Jamaica accepted this code.

1991 – The Rt. Hon Hugh Shearer challenged the AAAJ to help Market Jamaican agricultural produce and products nationally and internationally.

1991 – The AAAJ President, who led the trade mission was the first private sector representative from any of the ACP (African, Caribbean and Pacific) countries to address the European Commission.

1992 – The AAAJ launched the Jamaican made Campaign and produced TV and Radio commercials and press ads free of cost for the campaign.

1992 – The AAAJ in March represented the Jamaican code of sales promotion Practice to the Advertising Standards Authority. The code has the support of the media Association of Jamaica (MAJ) and the advertisers association.

The code is to apply in the spirit as well as the letter, and is aimed at eliminating practices, which might lead to sales promotion and disrepute.

The code has four main principles. Promotions must be legal, decent, honest and truthful.

The code highlights the importance of compliance with the law; especially regarding prize promotions the code also highlights the principles of fair competition, consumer interest, protection of privacy and the contents of sales promotion addressed to the children and young people.

1992 – The AAAJ was honoured in parliament. The AAAJ received the highest recognition when the Rt. Hon. Hugh Shearer, then Opposition Spokesman on foreign affairs and foreign trade, in his address to parliament, praised the efforts of the AAAAJ and its president Hon. Arnold Foote in promoting preference for Jamaican products, nationally and internationally. That was the only time in the history of the AAAJ that the Association was praised at the highest level in Jamaica.

The AAAJ President visited London and met with the British Advertising Agencies Association and Sir Timothy Raison of the British Advertising standards Authority, and discussed proposed arrangements with both Associations that would result in the Marketing and Advertising of Jamaican products to the European Community.

1992 – Sir Timothy Raison, Conservative Member of Parliament and member of the Privy Council in Great Britain, and vice chairman of the British Council accepted the invitation from the AAAJ President Arnold Foote to be the guest speaker at the 30th anniversary banquet.        

1992 – Sir Timothy Raison addressed the AAAJ 30th Anniversary banquet, also a special meeting set up at U.W.I, and the Advertising Standards Authority of Jamaica. Sir Timothy Raison is the chairman of advertising standards authority in Great Britain; Sir Timothy Raison did this during his visit to Jamaica as a guest of the AAAJ President Arnold Foote.

1992 – The AAAJ on June 9, 1992, presented the Jamaican Made logo to the Bureau of standards, including a large plastic reproduction of the logo, as its contribution to the JBS.

1992 – The AAAJ President Arnold Foote was called, in collaboration with the ministry of agriculture, to prepare a strategic paper on the production and marketing of Jamaican produce and products.

The AAAJ president Arnold Foote coordinated a private sector committee and prepared a document which was presented to the national family planning Council

1992 – The AAAJ President Arnold Foote was called, in collaboration with the ministry of agriculture, to prepare a strategic paper on the production and marketing of Jamaican produce and products.

The AAAJ president Arnold Foote coordinated a private sector committee and prepared a document which was presented to the national Planning Council

1992 – The AAAJ’s efforts resulted in the formation of the Agri-business Council of Jamaica.

1992 – On September 30, the Agri-Business Council of Jamaica was launched by the Hon. Seymour Mullings, the former Minister of Agriculture.

1992- The Prime Minister of Jamaica, the Rt. Hon P.J. Patterson, commended the AAAJ on its efforts stating “the programme prepared by the Committee to sell Jamaican Agricultural products produce was accepted by the national planning council. He also praised the AAAJ on creating a logo, which the Bureau of standards uses as the Mark of Approval for Goods made in Jamaica.

The Bureau of Standards also uses the Jamaican Made Mark as the second mark for products made in Jamaica.

1992 – The AAAJ President was commended by the former Minister of agriculture, Seymour Mullings, on behalf of the Government of Jamaica, for its invaluable work in preparing the document Marketing Jamaican Agricultural Products – A private sector initiative”

1992 – The AAAJ joined the press Association of Jamaica and the media Association of Jamaica in the joint memorandum submitted to the chairman of the constitutional commission for freedom of the press.

1992 – The AAAJ first Liturgy of Thanksgiving was held to mark the 30th Anniversary of the association.

1993 – The AAAJ President was elected as the first chairman of the Agri-business Council of Jamaica

1993 – The AAAJ honoured former Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon.. Hugh Lawson Shearer, veteran politician, trade unionist and statesman, for his contribution to the AAAJ and Jamaica.

1995 – The AAAJ and the media Association of Jamaica produced and signed an agreement for the accreditation of advertising Agencies, the terms and conditions under which the Media Association of Jamaica will accredit members of the advertising agencies association of Jamaica limited on November 20, 1995.

1995 – The AAAJ and the media association of Jamaica Jointly organised the first National Creative advertising award, which was a huge success.

2001 – The AAAJ presented its award of Excellence to the Governor General, Sir Howard Cooke, in appreciation of his strong support and contribution to the development of the advertising industry in Jamaica. The presentation took place at the millennium media of the year awards Luncheon held at the Le Meridian Jamaica Pegasus Hotel.

2001 – The President of the MA] in a letter to the president of AAAJ, Arnold Foote, stated …every confidence that our associations will be able to work hand and glove for the benefit of the entire industry

A new level of Partnership and Cooperation has been established between the advertising agencies association of Jamaica (AAAJ) and the media association of Jamaica (MAJ), which could bring a much higher level of professionalism and a greater degree of respect to our industry.

2001 – The AAAJ hosted the Millennium Media of the Year Awards at which the Governor General, Sir Howard Cooke was the guest speaker.

The Millennium awards for excellence was presented to Mr. Lester Spaulding, chairman of the RJR group by the Governor General.

2002 – At the start of the AAAJ’s 40th Anniversary celebrations, a Liturgy of thanksgiving was held at the Sts. Peter and Paul church on Sunday, April 28, 2002.

2002 – The AAAJ hosted the 40th Anniversary Media of the year Awards with Mr. Oliver Clarke, President of the private sector Organisation of Jamaica (PSOJ), as the Guest Speaker. The Media of the year awards for excellence was presented to Mr. Clarke by the president of the AAAJ.



To date, twenty-one agencies have gained membership to the AAAJ.

Advertising Agencies are elected for membership by fellow professionals within the AAAJ and is not a mere formality, but based on the criteria of professional capabilities and financial stability.

Although membership in no way depends on size, the majority of members have at least ten members of staff. It is important to note that a number of new agencies are seeking membership whining the AAAJ. This augurs well for the future of the association.

Most agencies realise that advertising is under pressure to become a more professional profession. Membership in the AAAJ gives Agencies a real edge. It provides them with information on trends and developments in advertising. It keeps them more closely in touch with key issues, and in a highly competitive business, it gives them a rare opportunity to assess the options and standards of other agencies.

The AAAJ provides a neutral ground where members can share knowledge with common belief of improving standards in general, and in their agencies in particular.



The AAAJ will, later this year, launch the Advertising Effectiveness Awards Competition, and will undertake a substantial programme of activity to promote the value of advertising. Case studies will be used as entries in advertising effectiveness awards competition, and students in their diploma and degree programmes will present these to CARIMAC for use.

The Key objectives of the effectiveness awards are:

  • To demonstrate that advertising is both a serious commercial investment and a contributor to profit, not just cost.
  • To improve understanding of the crucial role advertising plays in brand marketing and marketing communications generally.
  • To encourage new and improved methods of evaluation and thereby to promote advertising accountability and continuous improvements in professional standards.

The AAAJ has invited Mr. Hamish Pringle; Director- General of the Institute of Practitioners in advertising in Great Britain, to launch the advertising effectiveness awards competition later this year. Details on how to enter the competition will be given at that time.

Theses awards will make a contribution to advertising profession in Jamaica.